Unusual late market on Rivington Street this Christmas

street food in londonStreet food is becoming ‘the thing’ in London nowadays. We don’t know whether it’s because it’s something unusual to do, or because it’s food made with the ‘freshest’ ingredients right in front of you.

Whatever the reason, it’s slowly becoming a favourite for many Londoners [including us].

Last night we spend our evening exploring the streets of Shoreditch and we’ve found ‘a ‘treasure trove’ on Rivington Street. From the 5th  to the 19th of December there’s a night market every Thursday in heart of east London.

TogetherTheyCome presents Rivington Street Xmas Thursday Lates, as a part of the MakeHackneySparkle celebrations. You’ll find a bar serving delicious hot cocktails, live art , street performers and some tasty food.

If you’re in the area on a Thursday night and want to experience something slightly unusual, then heading to Rivington Street may be a good idea.

shoreditch street food

street food in shoreditchshoreditch togethertheycometogetherhteycome revington streetWe tried some Ghanaian food from Zoe’s Ghana Kitchen, a dish known as the Red – Red [picture below]. We also had a naan roll, from rola wala, made of channa dal (£6). 

One thing that concerns us though is the price tag on these dishes, we’re not cheapskates [might be a bit] but we do feel that it may be slightly overpriced. The only reason why we bring this up it’s because street food is meant to be somewhat cheap.

christmas late marketstree food on rivington streetshoreditch street foodstreet food in london