Vintage clothing market london

vintage shops in londonWe’ve searched everywhere to find a word that describes someone who loves all things vintage. We found nothing. If you know of such word, please let us know. But for now, we’ve decided to come up with a word  – vintaholic.

Talk about getting creative.

Actually, we want to tell you about one of the best vintage stores you can find on Brick Lane, known as the vintage clothing marketIt’s open Friday to Sunday every week. 

Almost everything is affordable, from designer shoes and dresses to jean jackets and fur coats.

We always find something to fall in love with.

vintage shops in brick lane

Vintage Clothing MarKet
37 The Old Truman Brewery, F Block 85 Brick Lane London

Mon: closed
Fri-Sat 11am – 6pm
Sun 10am – 5pm

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vinatge shops in brick lanevintage market londonvintage market in london