His ariel drawings are so exact to the real thing that not even science can explain how he memorises so much detail from just a five minute helicopter ride.
The exhibition is hugely popular and there is only a limited amount of tickets available daily, which sell out fast. Each day, people start queuing at 6am in front of the National Gallery to get the much sought-after tickets. It's only going to get worse, because ...
William Alexander said that his business is going a bit slow in London. In New York he is more successful and some people were willing to pay $100 for one of his ice cream creations.
The Royal Academy of Arts is currently exhibiting 'Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Movement'. Edgar Degas was a French artist who was known as the ‘Painter of Dancers’...
'Power of Making' is an exhibition about the breadth and depth of craft’s presence in modern life. The exhibition that celebrates the role of making and creating in our lives. The showcases are examples of a diverse range of skills and new technologies.